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from the way this all sounds liquid wrench is hard to apply and for the all over treatment you fill up the pool then drive in. SPLASH

On a serious note, those two little position wheels have to spin along the angle plate with the two stop positions, you will have to spray them both very well, then move the door a lot to free the wheels then spray again and work again until it oprates smoothly. The best spray for the job is BOE-SHIELD made by a company from norht of Seattle WA called BOEING. It will do the whole nine yards for lube on the position wheels and suppress any corrosion you may have at the same time.

good luck



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:stupid: :stupid: :stupid:


What a let down. Here I was, thinking that we were about to be introduced to a tried and tested, sooper dooper, you beaut American Wonder Product that would do everything short of programming the space shuttle guidance systems.

Oh, well, at least we've got WD40, CRC and RP7.


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Tanny: NOW who sounds like an irresponsible teenager????

WD40 is a silicon based lubricant that, as pointed out, displaces water by mixing with it and then evaporating. It is a suitable LIGHT lubricant for many applications where you do not want a greasy or oily residue which will attract and catch dirt / dust.

Bodyshops HATE that stuff as it is notorious for causing "Fish-Eye" in paint jobs.

Liquid Wrench is a penetrating oil that purports to loosen rusty / corroded metal parts while lubricating them for ease of disassembly. There are other products out there that will also penetrate a joint and allow you to remove the nut / bolt / screw.

While we're on the subject, KY Jelly is a water-soluble lubricant / emolient which lubricates while also not attacking latex, or rubber. Very commonly found in Doctor's offices, Hospitals and Sports First Aid kicts, as well as irresponsible teenager's bedside table drawer. I won't go into the other uses of it.

Now will someone tell me what kind of smiley I should have used here????

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thanks guys for all your help. i am going to go and get me some boe sheild. since i am up in canada though, i will probably half to settle for wd40. i just got my new blanc keys today, and i will get those cut at the same time. i love it when a plan comes together.ROFL

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