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Please don't forget that so many global acting companies are american. What do you think if the French and the other +150 countries, that didn't support the "war", would start to boycot those. I think in a globalized business-world any boycot in the end hurts those who started the boycot. What I really fear is the expectable arrogance of those self-appointed "cops of the world"-politicians and their opportunistic supporters, that do not allow different oppinions. I'm very happy that in this internet-club so many different arguments are accepted. Let's stand together that way. It seems, our Zs are a strong basis.


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This is just the sort of response I was trying to avoid by NOT posting the list. Talk about putting the cat among the pidgeons.

I am in total agreeance with Enrique. The idea of such a boycot is completely unacceptable.

However, having said that, I must say that I also believe in the passing on of information, regardless of my own thoughts and beliefs.

When I received the email, my first thought was to delete the damned thing but, on reflection, I decided to offer the email to those who would take the trouble to ASK for it.

To date, I have received only ONE email requesting a copy.

Information, be it good or bad, should not be hidden away just because one person does not agree with it. It should be disseminated as widely as possible however, (and I realise that I am contradicting myself), in this instance, due to the subject matter, I decided to be selective as to WHO I would pass on the information to.

Should that one (so far) member decide to post it on this site then, that is his decision entirely.


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Hey, may I ask publicly that you send it to me privately? :stupid:

This is a joke, right? You do not really use French products:finger: ? Hey, from what I have read we are close to non-existent? How could we have things that might be good for you? Please tell me what it is, I might find some for myself?

The bycott is childish, you have no ideas of what the interconnection are in term of economics, trust me that you have a lot more to loose than to gain. You have huge investments in France, and weakening us would put a few of your retired on the streets… and nobody wants that!

Just one quickie, did you know that most of all the meals served to the US troops are made by SODEXO, guess who owns it? You do not want to starve your troops, do you?

I am very glad that only one people asked for the Black file, we ALL need now to get back to business and crank the big machine back. Bon courage to all, Fred

And, you are all welcome to France, like before and like always. And if your need help planning a trip there just ask me and will be more than glad to help you.

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Always amuses me that whenever someone (usually of a conservative bent) disagrees with another's political viewpoint, they are usually branded with the most evil epithet "COMMUNIST". That communist bogeyman sure shows up alot when someone can't justify their argument in any meaningful manner. True communism has never existed(Russia was definitely not communist. They were an elitist totalitarian regime, with lots of extra benefits for the people higher up on the social ladder), communism being an extremely idealistic concept of equal treatment of everyone in society and everyone working happily for the betterment of everyone else without an evil profit motive. We all know this is an impossibility with the selfish and aggressive homo sapiens specie. People naturally want the extra benefits for working more diligently than their neighbor. Except for the profit motive, someone could argue that the US comes closer to true communism than most other types of government, with our striving for equal treatment for individuals. In the future, try to use logical arguments when disagreeing with someone rather than using the erroneous and misused label "COMMUNIST". Boycotting to "get even" is absurd given todays interdependent economies. We will be "getting even" with ourselves as much as anyone else. Agree with Escanlon on this one.

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Originally posted by Caen Fred

And, you are all welcome to France, like before and like always. And if your need help planning a trip there just ask me and will be more than glad to help you.

I spent 6 days in Paris 2 weeks ago (yes, after the war started). I thoroughly enjoyed my stay and was treated with respect by everyone I saw. The only sign of anti-Americanism I saw was a Nike poster in the Paris metro that had graffiti on it saying "USA go home". Of course, that's probably been there for months.:D

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Since I was the first one to use the term "communist", I presume it is me you refer to when you say:

That communist bogeyman sure shows up alot when someone can't justify their argument in any meaningful manner. True communism has never existed(Russia was definitely not communist.

Unfortunately Tanny, the argument that "True" communism has never existed and therefore you can't use the term "communism" in any kind of discussion is the kind of pseudo intellectual crap that gets regurgitated to squelch any discussion that might possibly discuss it in a meaningful way. Also, in my experience, this argument gets used whenever the person bringing it up cannot contribute to the original discussion and feels the need to change the subject.

You're right that "true" communism hasn't and will never exist, simply due to the inherent erroneous assumptions of the human psyche, which you've stated, yield it unattainable.

When I referred to "communism", I was speaking to whatever form of government the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Cuba have. Call it what you will, Free Speech there is not, how shall we say, FREELY practiced? Or maybe I should say that only if your Free Speech agrees with the government's view is it Free to be Spoken.

So if I've taken offense where none was meant, I apologize for my retort. I'm neither a staunch conservative nor a bleeding liberal, I tend to look at individual issues and either support or ignore as the mood fits me.


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:sick: :sick: :sick:

Bloody hell Biker, if this is the reaction from the knowledge that a list of boycots exists, I hate to think what it would be like had I posted the list.

I am pleased to report that the number of requests for the list remains at ONE.


I am interested to know what YOU would have done had You been the original recipient?

Would you have simply deleted it , thereby denying the information to anyone who is interested or do as I did or dealt with the information in another way ?????


Are you fair dinkum about wanting the list or was the request made tongue in cheek ???


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I am really serious, reading is not believing. I want to know what those peoples think! :cross-eye

As for myself, I feel truly more European than French. I not sure it make sense for you, but for me it’s really obvious. That’s why I don’t really dig in this Anti-French thing. This is coming from peoples that think we still use Francs…:stupid:

Europe is only a newborn, but our new life lies ahead, and that’s a great felling.

So when I read things about “French” it make for me as much sense as if someone says things about “Texan” implying that is statement is good for all the US… :finger:

But hey this is personal, I live here and this is how I feel. When I was in the states, I had friends in Cincinnati that had never been outside the state, even the county… they where very nice peoples and where very strong about their Ohioism (????????) but they where American… Well I am really proud of being French but I am European…

But this is another story, you are right to spread this piece of info… and yes boycotting is nothing but a reaction of hate or anger, not very mature in both ways. C'est la vie, Fred

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With all due respect Caen Fred, the British and Spanish are Europeans, as well.

The country of France and the country of Germany (among others) have chosen to oppose the countries of Great Britain and Spain (among others).

Appearances to the rest of the planet imply that Europeans are bound by currency only. :ermm:

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