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With the Z compressor would you just have it retrofitted for the 134a freon?  Or use this, https://www.amazon.com/Cans-RED-Refrigerant-Freon-Replacement/dp/B00E9W2PPS/ref=pd_rhf_se_s_cp_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=51HFXhvDGTL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_SL500_SR135%2C135_&psc=1&refRID=XWG3J35G7DTJYKVY7YAZ

After reading the reviews, I'm very interested, 5 stars!

3 Cans - RED TEK 12a Refrigerant (6 Oz. Can) Freon Replacement

red tek 12a is a hydrocarbon refrigerant. Probably propane + isobutane. Have to look at the msds sheet to see what it contains. I ran something similar to this in my 280z  called envirosafe.

but i must say that it didn't do very well. I then tried r134 and got colder temps. It may be something about my system that makes r134 perform better. I don't know.  I tried the recommended pressures

and higher than recommended with the same results.  I DO run envirosafe in my toyota.  Its a 1990 r12 system converted over and it will freeze you out.


With a used compressor you drain as much of the mineral oil out as you can and flush it with pag oil.  What little mineral oil thats left should mix with the mineral oil.

You can try running red tek and see how it works on your system. They say that systems with small leaks don't do well with mixed refrigerants. The refrigerant with the smallest molecules

leaks out first and you're left with a poorly performing system.  Also,  If you're afraid of blowing up in a big ball of fire in a wreck.... a whopping 3-4 lbs of propane gas LOL then do NOT go

with red tek.


Envirosafe and probably red tek says you don't need to evacuate the system of air but that doesn't make sense. If you've got air in the system displacing refrigerant, that can't be good for the performance. I like to pull a vacuum before charging.



Edited by hr369

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