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I recently bought a 300zx 1991 N/A.


It was running perfectly for about 3-4 months after i bought it then we had some pretty bad snow and it sat for a day and a half and everything started happening.

Coolant leaks (fixed) horrible idle, i need to keep my foot on the gas when stopped or it will shut off, its lost so much power, and i did a compression test and they were all over the place (150,150,140, then 90,100,&50) i hope its not a head gasket but all signs point towards it. IMG_0536.JPG



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Yeah your huge compression loss on one of the banks indicates issues. Do a leakdown test before you pull it off. Note the where the air is escaping.

What does the oil look like? In the cylinders that are low does the top of the piston look clean?

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