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Does somebody know a trick to get in the torsionbars inbetween the hood hinges, thought i ask here before making an attempt ..  it can be hazardous!

240's have them to.. just a bit different.

This past week i took out the last piece of carpet. Rarely seen such a clean floor in a 280! 20191127_161549.jpg

Then i have made (again!!?) some fender ends the ones who i made earlyer were F***tup by my good friend (NOT!) Danny, who can't weld… (not saying am a pro in welding but …..anyway..)  I gave him a set of 4 lower ends for the frontfenders and he cut those in half just to … i don't know.. Look at the parts you can follow his way? please explain it to me because i can't see it.. Left on pic is my old f***tup part and right my yesterday made new part..


The right one is made out of one piece, the left one is welded on diff sides and pieces put on... what was he thinking??? ?

(the cut in it was to measure the width of the cutting tool i used at that moment. (1,3mm)



Here i radically cut it off!  I don't want this kind of junk, not on my car! (Took the last rusty spots also off!)



The left hand side will be made the same way..  on a block of wood.


Every part takes about 2-3 hours or metalwork to do it good. So by the time the fenders are ready for paint i'm counting on 25-30 hours with welding and making it smooth… easely..


Edited by dutchzcarguy
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It's very nice to get the chance to work on your own car in a professional bodyshop/paintshop, i can use all the tools needed or bring my own if i want to!  So i askt if i could bring my own MIG welder, not necessary we have a lot of Mig's.. ?   so i could use the copper/silicium MIG welder!  It works with a lot less heat so the workpeace does not bend from overheating.. 

(Also my own NISSAN Toolcart on this pic!) 


I didn't Grind away the whole weld, it's not necessary and stronger this way. You can see clearly the copper in the weld.


Outside front fender in zinc paint. 



Just looking if it fits..2nd part on low right already welded on/in..



Used an english wheel at home for a smal curvature.



Question of the day ?  does the 280zx frontfender only have 1 screw or bolt to keep it in place here?  and is it a screw or bolt?  (if you tell me i don't need to go through a thousend pic's :confused: )



Edited by dutchzcarguy


In the right front fender was left some rusttreatment stuff.. i took it off and made this pic of a 40! year old well preserved fender! Later on this one gets a new coat of zinc and rusttreatment.


Very few spots of rust.

Coated in zinc. (after taking off the rusty spots..)


Edited by dutchzcarguy
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Another week at the bodyshop has gone by.. some progress has been made..


Made the lower parts of the left fender this time, to weld in.



Lv = (links voor)  or..  left front.  front part of the fender.


The rear lower part of the left front fender is made but no pic's yet..

Then there was the left door, did some as we say "beeldhouw werk"  sculpturing haha,  it needs after 40 years and a not perfect strait weld some bondo..



Almost ready for paint...


there was a spot that was not perfect.. where the mirror sits or sat..   some rust spots, i better weld some copper in..


( sp.L= spiegel links)  mirror left.  maesurements are centimeters.  cM.


Welded the holes from the mirror.. but then, when i checkt it, the metal was to thin...



At the end of the day i went for the better option...


I welded it all around.. but no pic yet..  These are the small things that take a lot of time but they are necessary!



Edited by dutchzcarguy
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Another week at the painter/bodyshop..  Most time sanding and eh.. sanding and then…. some sanding! ?  Also used some new to me tools.. to get out some dents that were to severe to lieve alone..  Did i say earlyer that sanding is my favorite hobby?  NOT !!! :SNIF:

First here the pic of the welded in new part were the left mirror sits. I know now the pro's and cons of copper/selicium welding…  one con is the weld tore easely when you want to lower it by hitting it with a hammer! So a second weld was neccessary.


Today (saterday) was a important day.. The first parts became a layer of epoxy in the spraybooth…. BY ME! :Yes:   I've used a spraygun many years ago but not much experience with them.. i think this went well..






Some small dents are still in there but... not bad for 40+ year old doors!   After this they get smoothed out with some bondo and become a new set off paint.  (Car will be painted in Nissan TK3, an Original nissan zx color.)






Some other pic's of prep.. and sanding..


bare metall pic's..




Rightdoor mirror, bare metall.


A "college"had some left over bondo.. i let him leave it on a little dent..



Next i'll probably do the hood and frontfenders prep and epoxy...

Edited by dutchzcarguy
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Yes Bart, it is going well, i try to work on it every working day and i get a lot of support of the guys who work at the bodyshop. Also from the owner of the shop. 

Because i count all the hours i work at it (or someone else, like the pro painter or bodywork guy) last week we went past the 500 hours !  working on the car and i think it's going to be another 250 to complete the restauration.. ?  At least...

These days i'm working on the fenders, left in particular and the hood (or bonnet!)  whole lot of.. you guest it... sanding! ?

Even a brand new bonnet needs work, 


a Original NISSAN hood… where do i find them haha...!




Restoring the left fender..



left lower part of left front fender..

I had a problem with heat, despite the copper/silicium welding i now did.. but about 20 little blows with a special hammer made it strait.. learned again something!  Then i discovered that i welded it to straight down, had to correct that.. now the lower front part deviates inward as it should! (see last pic in this part.)


lower front left fender.


Putting in a little piece in the wheelarch.  If you want to do this… i told the owner of the shop you have to have a diploma to weld newspaper paper..  ?


Sanding left and right fender.. (still busy..)



Sanding (with some rattlecan paint to sort out the imperfections).  Making the fenders and hood ready for epoxy coating. (later on the blue paint is sanded off completely before epoxy.)


Front left corner, welded in part fender, deviates inward.




Edited by dutchzcarguy
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