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Hi all,

I've been lurking on this board for some time now and thought I should finally register and introduce myself.

I've owned 240Z's since the late 80's and have driven nothing else as daily drivers since. To date I've owned a total of three 240Z's; two 72' and one 71'. Also to date, unfortunately, I've crashed two of those Z's. The last one being the week before last. The first one I rolled over in the early 90's and totalled the car. This was the first Z I ever owned. Afterward, I swore I would never, ever, commit such a horrendous act again. The second I wrecked last week, occured when I lost traction while turning unto a freeway on ramp. The ground was wet from that days rain and as I turned the wheel to the right, the Z decided it wanted to go straight. 1.5 seconds later I was staring at the crushed front end on my hood and a guard rail much to close to be normal.

Ironically both Z's that I killed were orange and 72's. 72's being my favorite of all the vintage Z's. I guess you can say I love my Z's to death:( .

I'm by no means in some perverse way, bragging about the carnage I've committed. Rather, it's just a way of introduction, and a reminder to myself how stupid I've been and reinforcing how wanton randomly these things can occur. Trust me, on each day that these events occured, I didn't start the day out thinking how cool it would be to break the tired routine of life be blending in a dose of crumpled metal and a drawer full of excitement brownies.

O.k., so we've firmily established that I have no right owning a 72' orange Z.

The current only survivor in my garage is a slightly modified 71' 240 that has slowly been inheriting the salvagable parts of loved Z's long lost. It is a true FrankenZ, and while my least favorite, has been with me the longest and managed to shrug off my driving ineptitude with nary a scratch and much like "Christine" from the Stephen King book, getting better as the mileage rolls on.

I'm currently looking to replace the car I wrecked a week ago with another Z. Yeah, it's going to be a 72' if at all possible. But I absolutely swear it won't be orange.........

Best Regards,


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Dude, step away from the '72. And remind me, should we ever meet that you can not drive my orange 72, even if it is silver at the time we meet!

Welcome to the club, glad to hear you pipe up and introduce yourself. Aside from living the land of fruits and nuts, you are in the land of good 240Zs out there in Cali-land. Good luck on your search!

:love: :love: :love:

G'Day there landmizzle, welcome to the club.

Is there some HEX on orange 240's ?????

Just in case, I'm gonna keep my pretty little bronze 260 as far away from ANY orange Zed as possible.

By the way, where do you get LANDMIZZLE from ?????

I'm sure that others would be interested also.


Ha I'm literally days away from closing a deal that will net me a orange/red '72.....should I be worried? I haven't wrecked my primered out '81 zx yet but my first car, a '95 Dakota Sport 4-banger, got a lil taste of Grand Am arse one day on the way to school....$100 later for a new bumper and all was well tho...ok, except for the 3 points on my license but still! (Still got to work those off) I plan on keeping this old/new '72 til cars become obsolete (oooo hovercraft!....yeah but is that 2056 Nissan 850Hovercraft ZXTTTT exempt from smog? Didn't think so...) so It's safe to say I need it to last me awhile. And I need to get out more....apparently....anyway here's a warning to all deer, carjackers, family members, ricer boys, hail storms, nails on the highway, stationary trees close to a sharp curve, voodoo, and most importantly air+water+exposed sheetmetal.....if you EVER hurt my car in anyway, I'm gonna cry :cry: ...but soon after that, I'll hurt YOU....esp. you rust you suck. Yeah I need sleep, aight peace, AD

Hi all,

Thanks for the warm welcome!

I'm also a member of www.vintage-mustang.com and this forum has much the same atmosphere; which is a good thing.

Landmizzle is a variation of my normal handle "Landmissle". I originally registered here under that name but could not get the account "activated" due to me misplacing the confirmation message I recieved from the forum. Thus, landmizzle was formed and seems a little more appropriate for a Z forum. I thought about using "OrangeCrushz" but that would be a little to painful :cheeky: . Anyway, Landmissle, has been my tag since the early days of AOL way back in 93". Yeah, I was an AOLer when I was a newbie to the internet. Back then, everyone was a newbie. Also back then, to be an AOLer was a serious embarasment. It was the internet but with training wheels. Most folks now days don't seem to get the old AOL jokes. Times change I suppose. Back to Landmissle; it's a term for high powered sport motorcycles but also seems to fit my other passions of skydiving, old Mustangs, and old Z cars.

Modesto is no metroplis, but it's not a sleepy town either. Currently the population is pushing 200,000. Over the 15 years that I've owned Z's, I bought two in Modesto and one in Stockton, CA. In the late 80's to early 90's buying vintage Z's was relatively easy. However, now days, finding Z's that haven't been overly abused, engines transplated, or rust damage is getting more difficult. Not impossible by any means, but it's begining to take more effort even here in CA. I've also noted that the prices are begining to move upward. Back when I started out a clean nice 240Z would set you back 3-4K at most. Now it seems the sweet spot is more around 6-8 K with some going for the mid teens. These prices would have been unheard of only a few years ago. I've also noted more a more parts, especially NOS stuff is going up dramatically and many parts are almost impossible to get; tail light lenses and pillar vinyl anyone?

O.k., I think that addressed all the replies I got. Again, thanks for the warm welcome and I look forward to posting more here in the near future.

Best Regards,


Originally posted by landmizzle

...but also seems to fit my other passions of skydiving, old Mustangs, and old Z cars.

How many jumps have you made? I really got into skydiving a while back and got half of my license but unfortunately I hit a financial brick wall. That and the fact that two people died within minutes at my drop zone prevented me from getting my license. It was a sacrifice I made with much regret but to please a worried mother I'd do anything.

Prior to getting a Z I was also looking for a '67 -'68 Fastback but realised it's not finanacially possible at this stage. One day though I will own my dream car the Shelby GT500. I fell in love with it as a young boy watching movies like Bullit. Growing up I realised how far that dream is but we all need to aim high. There are currently 3 GT500's in Australia that I know of and one of them has just sold recently.

Have you owned any Mustangs?

Originally posted by That Ozzy Guy

How many jumps have you made?

Have you owned any Mustangs?

Hi That Ozzy Guy,

I've been jumping for three years now and have just over 300 jumps. My wife and I both enjoy the sport tremidously. My only regret is that I didn't start sooner.

I can relate to your financial roadblocks and fears in dealing with skydiver fatalities. Once you get your licence and rig the cost come down dramatically though. Of course, you'll jump more often so some of the savings are immediately consumed. I remeber when I first started, that one jump for the day was plenty of adrenelane for me. Now, I prefer to get in four or five jumps per day. Seems my tolerance has gone up a bit.(':classic:')

In the three years I've been jumping, I've only witnessed one fatality. I've seen numerous injuries, and more close calls than I can recount. However, if you keep your wits about you, practice what you were taught in class, and keep your ego at bay, I believe that skydiving is a relatively safe sport. Certainly not for everyone but one that gives back an award for particapation that is so satisfying that it almost defies description. The early fears of terror and aprehension will soon be replaced by the ecstacy of freedom and the almost "out of body" comprehension of what a truely unique/bizzare sport you're particapating in.

I picked up my very first Mustang almost excactly a year ago. I currently have 66' GT Fastback K-code. The K-code being the High-Performace engine with solid lifters. Actually this is the same engine that Shelby based his early cars on. So I guess you can say I have Shelby's little sister. This car is an absolute blast to drive especially when the secondaries in the four barrel kick in.

(':love:') It's no Z when it comes to handling but, it's special and fun in it's own way, just like the Z is.

Hope you find the means to get your Shelby. Unfortunately they're getting more expensive everyday. Also hope you find the finances, time, and emotional perspective to give skydiving another try. Good luck in both!

Best Regards,

Landmizzle 71' 240 Z

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