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I have a mallory dist for my 240Z. It is the mechanical and vacuum adv. type. Does anyone know if the vacuum advance is adjustable? I cannot see inside the vacuum hose nipple if there is an allen screw inside. 

-Many Mallory dist. have adj. vacuum advance.

Thank,s GI 

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This is all the info I could find. Usually you can tell by looking at the advance pod whether or not its adjustable. The datsun pods have a glue glob covering an adjustable screw.

Hooking one up is a simple 3-wire connection, and they come with your choice of adjustable mechanical and/or vacuum advance, self-lubricating bushings, and a Super-Duty cap and rotor.

If Mallory wasn't bought out by MSD I would have access to directions. The adj. vacuum on a Mallory was a small allen set screw inside the vacuum pot where the vacuum hose connected too. I just wish I had some instructions. The "Z Guy" who installed it is no longer around.


I used to run a Mallory Unilite but used the 45 series which eliminated the vacuum advance.  The 47 series had adjustable vacuum advance along with mechanical.  Here's a quick description of the 47 series from the 2010 Mallory catalog:


I have also included the installation instructions I have for the unilite series in general.  Unfortunately it does not describe how to adjust either the vacuum or the mechanical advance.  I do know that on the 45 series the mechanical advance curve could be changed by changing out the springs in the dizzy itself.  I actually bought the kit to do that but found that to change them you needed to:

1. remove the dizzy from the car

2. disassemble to get to the springs which were underneath the main plate

3. change the springs to different ones and cross your fingers

4. reassemble

5. reinstall

6. take it for a drive and hope that you got the curve you wanted

In the end this was far too much of an effort and it was all basically trial and error.  I ended up selling the unilite and replaced it with a programmable 123 Ignition.  With the 123 you simply connect to it with either USB or now Bluetooth and load in the curve that you want.  If you want to make a change, simply load a different curve.  Simple and easy and in the end the 123 was not any more expensive than the unilite setup. 


Hope this helps.


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