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Has anyone checked their antifreeze cold weather protection level lately?  When I lived in Northern Wisconsin, it was an annual fall ritual.  Seeing -70º wind chill temperatures in the midwest this morning reminded me of the "good old days" of getting up in the middle of the night to start the car and let it run for a while to assure it would start in the morning.

Stay warm!


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I check mine every year out of habit.  Got down to 12 F last night here.

When I lived in the Denver area, it got down to -30 during the winter of 85.  Had just bought a new Nissan 4x4 pickup.  Struggled to crank but it started to get me to work.  Was a lineman for a cable company in Rochester NY as well before then and actually worked outside in that kind of weather.   Those were the days ....

Stay warm, those in the north.

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2 hours ago, psdenno said:

getting up in the middle of the night to start the car and let it run for a while to assure it would start in the morning.

I can remember, just barely, living in Rapid City South Dakota early 70's and the old man would plug in the block warmer so he could start the 57' Chevy Bel air the next morning. It got down to as low as -70 windchill. And snow drifts up to the second story windows! Fun days!

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1 hour ago, Mike said:

In all seriousness, I have been watching and it looks like this is a COOLD one.  Hope all of the members in the area are doing ok!

Makes me appreciate that I'm sitting in my backyard, next to the pool, web surfing on my iPad.  I paid my "dues" living through 22 northern Wisconsin winters.

Stay warm,


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