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Cool car with an interesting history.  Would be great to see more of the original documentation that came with it.  I watched the ebay listing for it when it sold last month:


The rust shown in the photos and mentioned in the ad seemed a little concerning but the exterior and interior looked really good in the photos.  Do you have any documentation that the JDM fender mirrors were added at the time of purchase or later on when the stainless exhaust and spoilers were added?  It looks like the drivers door still has the holes from the stock mirror.  Did they plug those somehow? 

There was another LHD Blue 240Z that was  originally purchased in Okinawa posted on Facebook a few months ago.  I think it was a 72.  It had fender flares that someone removed from the car so I am pretty sure it was not this car. 

I have a 72 Fairlady Z-S that was also purchased in Okinawa by a Navy service member and  shipped back to the US shortly after purchase.  Interesting that you could purchase either HLS30s or S30s in Okinawa at the time.  It probably had to do with the roads being set up to drive on the right side at the time.  During the US occupation after WWII the roads were set up to drive on the right side and didn't switch back to driving on the left like the rest of Japan until 1978.



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Yes - It began with eBay however, the purchase was not made through eBay ;). Interestingly, I was seeking a Datsun 2000 Roadster but came across this car and was immediately drawn. It's particular global journey/story and fit mechanical condition made the decision easy for me. I live in Imperial Beach, San Diego but made the trip up to Modesto to see the car. It pulled hard and felt tight - done! As for the Roadster, maybe in few years.

Yes - it did present rust in all the areas where you would expect from operating atop rock-salted roads as this car was also stationed in Germany. That said, pretty much limited to wheel-wells. Nothing too serious so I will address them at a later date.

Yes - the exshaust (full system headers to muffler) and fender mirrors were added much later.

*Wonderful NY-Times article. I'm going to print and include that to into the records. I genuinely appreciate your posting!


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48 minutes ago, siteunseen said:

Your review of the FSR made and still makes me want one. That was 2013, I believe I can afford one now. LOL

No question - the FRS is a street legal kart. Great gas mileage and a bullet proof boxer engine. My wife has a new VW GTI (e needed one practical car) but loves to drive the FRS.

Anyway, I've been staring at my 240Z off and on all day...   soooo happy.  I'll never go this long again without a 240Z again!

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