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Hi everyone, 

I have been adding to my restoration/build thread over in the build thread forum area, and thought I'd post a link in the general discussion area in case anyone visiting here would be interested, but maybe would not necessarily see it otherwise.  I hope to be adding some more video soon, but I have a bunch of picturesa and pretty regularly provide updates.  You'll find details showing tear down, body work, mechanical work and reassembly as I go.  I am targeting end of July this year for completion (probably wildly optimistic!).  

The car is a 1971, which spent working life in Arizona, and another 25 years in a garage in Colorado.  It's getting a rotisserie restoration, along with some minor engine mods, aftermarket wheels, and a Z story header an exhaust system.  Check it out if you like restoration work - here is the link to the thread: Restoration of BringaTrailer 240z - HLS30-35883




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