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I just installed a fairly extensive update to the system today.  Please let me know if you see any issues.

Classifieds, links directory, Tapatalk, operating system (Linux), and the system core were all updated.  Here are the release notes for the system core:


  • Added support for PHP 7.4
  • Added support for [Emoji 12.0](https://emojipedia.org/emoji-12.0/) and [Emoji 12.1](https://emojipedia.org/emoji-12.1/) emojis
  • Removed support for Gfycat embeds due to ongoing unaddressed security concerns on their end.
  • Adjusted advertisement CSS classes to use a dynamic class name.
  • Added a reset to the "upgrade in progress" flag when the upgrader is reached but there are no applications to upgrade.
  • Added caching to the "Who's Online" widget.
  • Improved progress indicator in "Complete My Profile".
  • Improved ElasticSearch error logging.
  • Added an empty alt attribute to reaction images in streams, which validators may flag as invalid HTML.
  • Upgraded CKEditor to 4.13.1.
  • Upgraded PHPUserAgent to 0.15.0, which resolves an issue with detection of the latest Opera browser releases.
  • Updated Firefox & Edge logos on device management pages.
  • Disabled database read/write separation for tasks.
  • Disabled tasks being triggered by AJAX requests.
  • Blew Lindy's mind.
  • Fixed clubs showing up in some places when users did not have permission to access the clubs module.
  • Fixed signature edit field showing for moderators when editing a user when signatures are disabled globally.
  • Fixed an issue with member history logs when a user logs in from a new device but has not completed 2FA (when required).
  • Fixed a javascript error triggered by browser notifications on Android devices.
  • Fixed an issue where users that do not have permission to view Clubs, can still visit content item URL's directly.
  • Fixed display issues with coub.com embeds.
  • Fixed an issue detecting the visitor's country in some cases when using address form inputs.
  • Fixed an issue with dates adjusting incorrectly when crossing over DST threshold in some areas.
  • Fixed an issue using arrows in the editor after an emoji is inserted in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where some items could be missing from the leaderboard.
  • Fixed an issue where disabled apps could still attempt to process custom URLs.
  • Fixed an issue paginating in tables when certain special characters were included in the URL.
  • Fixed an issue where cookies set by javascript designed to "stick" would expire in Jan 2020.
  • Fixed AdminCP notification that a member is validating not disappearing if the member is flagged as a spammer rather than banned directly.
  • Fixed SendGrid failing to work when using a dedicated IP pool.
  • Fixed an issue where non-required profile completion steps may not be shown after required steps in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where re-entering the profile completion process after completing it once, but taking an action that requires completion again, may not place you on the correct profile completion step.
  • Fixed javascript errors preventing most javascript from working in IE11.
  • Fixed moderators encountering an error when removing a reaction from a profile status update or status reply made by another user.
  • Fixed an issue where a required profile completion step to supply values for profile fields that do not display on the a user's profile may result in endless loop.
  • Fixed an issue where a user will see an option to skip required profile completion steps, which will just reload the step.
  • Fixed multi-moderation actions so that they redirect back to the page you are currently on.
  • Fixed an issue that can occur when searching by member and changing between result pages.
  • Fixed an issue that caused images to not show properly in poll options.
  • Fixed an issue where sitemaps may show a distant past last modified date for content that doesn't have a valid last modified date.
  • Fixed an issue where animated GIF images may not be properly identified as animated.
  • Fixed an issue where profile photos would not be saved during profile completion if file uploads was the only available option.
  • Fixed an issue rebuilding topic content for areas such as Downloads and Pages that cross post to the forums.
  • Fixed an issue displaying certain locale-specific characters (such as the thousands separator, and the currency symbol) on Windows.
  • Fixes a visual issue on dropdowns in webkit-based browsers.
  • Fixed favicon icon not applying to the AdminCP correctly.
  • Fixed potential broken images when the image filename contained parenthesis characters.
  • Fixed the Safari Mask Icon not working in some server environments.
  • Fixed an issue where using long URL's in an announcement can cause a MySQL error.
  • Fixed an issue using custom WHERE clauses with an external database login handler.
  • Fixed unapproved comments incorrectly being counted on forums where the item has been moved and a link to the item has been left in its place.
  • Fixed an issue embedding Flickr albums in posts.
  • Removed 'nofollow' tag from status updates when member has no other content.


  • Added clarification that a billing address is required for automatic renewals when deleting the primary billing address.
  • Added a currency selector to the subscriptions listing.
  • Adjusted the payment method deletion process to prompt the administrator for confirmation if there are active PayPal Billing Agreements, and to cancel those Billing Agreements prior to deletion.
  • Fixed error approving or voiding transactions which were held for approval which were from a PayPal Billing Agreement.
  • Fixed an issue where the AdminCP notification indicating your PayPal payment gateway is not set up correctly may erroneously trigger.
  • Fixed an issue where custom fields may incorrectly show up when checking out as a guest while quick registration is enabled.
  • Fixed a possible error when applying changes to subscription plans to existing purchases.
  • Fixed an issue where converting a product with a tax to a subscription failed.
  • Fixed invoice title not showing for transactions in Authorize.Net's control panel.
  • Fixed possible error taking Authorize.Net payments
  • Fixed an issue where images from upsold products in the add to cart dialog may not be styled or sized correctly.
  • Fixed transactions using the "Manual (check, bank wire, etc.)" payment method not showing in the list of transactions requiring attention.
  • Fixed an issue where testing settings would just output the card types when using Braintree.
  • Fixed an error during the upgrade when no default currency is set.
  • Fixed an error that occurs when creating or editing a coupon code and unchecking the "No end date" option but not providing an end date.
  • Fixed an issue where profile completion could be triggered during checkout in some circumstances.
  • Fixed possibility of setting up Stripe without a valid webhook.
  • Fixed subscriptions bypassing the payment confirmation screen.
  • Fixed a styling issue with the Member Subscriptions widget.
  • Fixed a styling issue with the "Best Sellers" and "Latest Products" widgets in some cases.
  • Fixed referrals not working when the site is not accessible to guests.
  • Fixed an issue where checking a Braintree webhook URL from the Braintree control panel would report a 500 server error incorrectly.


  • Improved the conversion process when disabling a conversion step that another step required to run first.
  • Added conversion of article tags to vBCMS.
  • Added conversion of extra article categories in vBCMS, extra categories will be converted as tags.
  • Added conversion of meta tag keywords and descriptions when converting records from vBCMS.
  • Reordered some background tasks that run after a conversion is complete to prevent an SQL error during processing.
  • Improved vBulletin 4 conversion to retain user validating status where possible.
  • Improved vBulletin conversions to convert more PMs where they may not have previously been converted (due to parent messages being deleted).
  • Improved URL redirects for some vBulletin URLs including Social Groups, Social Group Discussions & Blog Entries.
  • Fixed an issue where some vBulletin Blog comments may be skipped during conversion.
  • Fixed an exception that can occur if Pages was selected as a conversion, but all options were disabled.
  • Fixed product filters displaying in the store using the "internal" name instead of the "public" name.
  • Fixed IP address information not converting with vBulletin Blog.
  • Fixed certain user preferences not converting with vBulletin 4.
  • Fixed some PHP notices that can occur in vBCMS converter with specific data.
  • Fixed an issue where Gift Card email links may not work correctly when email statistics are enabled.
  • Removed URL redirection for vBCMS records since required data is not available to support this.


  • Fixed an issue where the moderation history link wasn't shown for deleted topics.
  • Fix Safari not scrolling to the reply box when clicking the "Reply to this topic" button at the top of a topic.


  • Fixed REST API documentation showing the wrong endpoints for categories.
  • Fixed sidebar not showing Club content correctly when the "Show Club Content Areas" setting is set to "Throughout the community"


  • Fixed an issue submitting images with capitalized file extensions when movies have maximum allowed file sizes.
  • Fixed multiple issues adding, editing and repositioning image notes.
  • Fixed an incorrect gap between the tabs and reviews/comments while viewing an image.


  • Improved database permission configuration forms to better indicate if a group won't be able to access the database due to page-level permissions.
  • Fixed bullet points using the wrong style (unfilled circle rather than filled circle) in database records.
  • Fixed a (potential) issue moving database records files when adjusting the file storage configuration method for database records.

REST / OAuth

  • Fixed an uncaught exception in the member notifications REST API endpoint when an orphaned piece of content is present.
  • Fixed certain `notificationData` entries returning `NULL` in the member notifications REST API endpoint.
  • Fixed an issue where address lines in REST API calls may be returned as an object instead of an array.

Third-Party / Developer / Designer Mode

  • Fixed an issue using the node form helper when not using `$titleLangPrefix` in the node model, and using apostrophes in a node's title.
  • Advertisements no longer use the .ipsAdvertisement_* class names, and instead use dynamic classnames unique to each community. Themes that restyle advertisements should update their CSS to use `.ips{expression="mb_ucfirst(\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY)"}` instead.
  • Adjusted the abstract class definition for `\IPS\Content\Search\Index::hashesWithPermission()` to match the docblock.
  • Fixed an issue where Database table helpers could allow a blank advanced search value in specific situations.
  • Fixed an error using reviews with content items but not containers when post before registering is enabled.
  • Removed an extra parameter being passed to `_comments()` in some cases which could interfere with third party plugins.
  • Removed some unused code in `\IPS\Output::error()`.



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  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    Seconded!! And my processor is not running constantly and kicking on the fan. Now if we could just get rid of the huge scrolling banner at the top of every page....

  • I forgot to mention that you could always put on your glasses.  ?  

  • yes, but you'll have to click on the source button in the upper left of the editor

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On 5/15/2020 at 6:22 PM, Zed Head said:


Ads are showing up inside people's posts, and passing along with them if you use the "Quote" function.  Not sure that's intentional.  Can't delete the ad either inside the quoted material box.  Also, tried to check the link I pasted and it doesn't seem to work although it pasted in as the graphical link. Edit - actually it does work, if you click the "X minutes ago" part of the graphic.  Can't just click the box anymore

Yeah I just noticed that...  the ads from Infolinks are supposed to be agnostic to the website (meaning, they are added in real time and don't affect the code).  but it appears that quoting a post with an ad will carry the ad forward.  You can delete it, if you use the "Source" button to look at the code.

I'm debating whether or not we need Infolinks anyway.  They really don't pay that much to help us keep the lights on.  Google ads have been the best so far..


Since you're around, you might want to know that if a person clicks any of the blue boxes on your new big banner, nothing obvious happens.  All of the changes are "below the fold", on the bottom half of the page, off-screen.  It's actually a nice intro page, but you can't see anything happen.  There's an ad where a person might see stuff.

You could probably just make the banner shorter, and bring the bottom half of the page up to where the changes happen.  Move the blue boxes off the left of the text maybe.


Here's a partial screen shot.  The arrow points to where change happens.


On 5/15/2020 at 10:12 AM, gwri8 said:

Screen Shot 2020-05-15 at 1.07.08 PM.pngGot this today when is signed in to this site

that's 10000% adware/malware.try this safari extension https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock

@Zed Head why not switch to firefox? You don't have to feed the google machine.

I've tried all of the browsers.  Chrome just works best.  Fastest and no problems.  

I know that you're deep in to tech but I think that Google still knows, no matter what browser you use.  I think that many of the platforms share user history.  Plus, if I sign into Hotmail, or Gmail or another email account, all of my browser history is probably connected to my email address.The only way to be close to anonymous is with a VPN, I think.

I don't have anything to hide anyway.  And, on top of it all, I don't think that Google knows what to do with my browsing history.  Most of the ads I see don't have anything to do with anything I'm interested in.  There's a "driver retriever" ad at the top of the page, and a scrolling ad at the bottom - Walgreens, Geico, other stuff.  Useless.

Thanks for the advice though.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've checked the server and we also have protection against malware coming from our site.  Anything you see with the Adobe Flash is likely something installed on your computer, not from our site.  Ads also should not be using flash because I've disabled it.

@Zed Head, thanks for the info about the header graphic, I'll see if I can make it smaller.

As far as ads showing up in the quotes, this can be deleted in the editor.  Infolinks has been doing this but they've been paying about $70-90/month which helps a lot.  I just need to work on placement to make things more streamlined.

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