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Parts Wanted: Lower Alternator Mount

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Lower Alternator Mount

I need a lower alternator mount to modify for putting a GM Alternator on. What do you have and how much do you want.

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What modification(s) do you have to make in order to run the GM alternator? The reason I ask is that I have a lower mount here that has been modified (slightly shortened by my PO), and I'm not going to use it. So if it works for you, it's yours for the cost of shipping?

I ran it for a while with a washer or two to take up the resultant gap, but have since switched back to an OEM mount that has not been modified.

On 2/16/2021 at 6:59 PM, Captain Obvious said:

What modification(s) do you have to make in order to run the GM alternator? The reason I ask is that I have a lower mount here that has been modified (slightly shortened by my PO), and I'm not going to use it. So if it works for you, it's yours for the cost of shipping?

I ran it for a while with a washer or two to take up the resultant gap, but have since switched back to an OEM mount that has not been modified.

Cap! I'll get back to you if TZ's doesn't work out. 

To satisfy Capt O's curiosity ...  the bracket gets shortened by about 35mm or 1 3/8" and drilled to allow the new mounting bolt to pass thru.

This is the leftover piece.  I use it as a Z themed paperweight. 

Did this mod on a friends car last year.    Additionally, the stock fan belt fits perfectly.

Alt Mod.jpg

2 hours ago, S30Driver said:

To satisfy Capt O's curiosity ...  the bracket gets shortened by about 35mm or 1 3/8"

Thanks for filling in the details.

I took a look through my pics and now that I look through them,  I'm not sure my bracket has been shortened at all.  I've got a pic of an alternator with file marks on the inside of one of the mounting ears. I took the pics, and it was important to me at the time to concentrate on the mounting ears.

The implication being two things:

1) It may have been my alternator which was modified, not the bracket, and
2) My memory has reached the point where the details are falling out the bottom.  

My brain is full.   LOL

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