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Ok, here's the scan of my keys.

The one that says Nissan, the oval shaped one, is for the ignition. The other must be for all the other locks (I have not really used it yet as I have never locked the car. I figure if someone is going to steal it they are going to steal it, at least this way they will not have to break any glass or locks etc to get in.


Will the old keys work on the later 240-Z? Did they change the lock design? Also was Nissan (and Toyota) one of the first car makers to use the double sided key's. I know most American car's didn't get them until the 90's. I've always wondered that


That's zactly what I have, TEXASZ. Series one cars had the dual lock setup and your door / hatch key relates to the original (part number) lock. The part numbers change with no application date to the later dual lock setup, but with a double sided key. This occurs with the door locks as well as the hatch locks.

And great news! With only two hours remaining in the competition, the Ebay key blanks are up to $82. Way to go!

If you ever want to sell those locks and key, TEXASZ.....

Ahaha, That 71 key is the same as the 69 and 70 Roadster. That's what we Roadster officinatos reffer to as the "Voss" key set. Willing to be it was used those years on all models. Obviously, Nissan used the Voss key set (the single sided, oval fob) to the 71 model year. The, changed to the double sided key set.

hows this, From the roadster parts manual

Roadster Parts Manual

At the bottom of the page, you see a comparasen of the Waso and the Voss. My 70 roadster key is shaped like the the one described as "Voss."

So would the ones on ZParts.com


Those 2 keys on E BAY. From what I have seen in Australia. The left is identical to the single key from the 69 model 510 delivered in Australia. The right key is identical to the ignition Key for 71 / 73 240z.



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