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Parts Wanted: Looking for a complete lock set for my 6/71 Datsun - matching... and with key would be nice

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Looking for a complete lock set for my 6/71 Datsun - matching... and with key would be nice

I'd like to have all the locks on the car I am restoring work with one key.  I am exploring options with a locksmith, however, it may be easier if I can source a complete set.  Let me know what you have please?


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Take apart the locks that don't fit your key, put the 4-5 plates in it in the way they fit the best your key and then, with the key in place flatten these plates carefully with a angle sander.. (or other sanding tool) then assemble the loc again and your key will fit all your locs!  Your welcome 😉  ...

Let me know if you have any trouble.. it IS a bit of a pain in the a*** to get the lock open but with a very small screwdriver you can carefully open the chrome or stainless edge open on the front of the lock it self!

(Very important: flatten the plates WITH the key IN PLACE!  If there is a chance that you sand into the openings in the plates use a plate out of a spare lock or other lock.)

I've done this with success on more than one lock..  let us know how (well) it went!

Edited by dutchzcarguy

Oh.. and take care .. there are little springs in there.. ( clean work bench with some white paper helps a lot.)

Maybe also put a other closing lip on the front of the lock, they are often broken.. take them from any other lock.. 

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