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Great mod! Any chance you still have that CAD file?

Its a shame to cut up the cross member just to get the two saddles. 

Great paint job! I've been tempted to get one of the inflatable paint booths for the back yard or create a booth in the garage like you did. For now, I'll stick with vinyl wrap.

  • 1 month later...

I was just installing the differential with the original cover when the post man pulled up with a package. 

It came to a little more than expected at around $60 plus $23 S&H, and will need a lot of post-casting cleanup but for a first custom made part, I'm more than satisfied. 





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  • 2 months later...

I installed a temporarygauges.jpg set of gauges to monitor the temperature of the radiator at upper hose inlet, engine compartment at fuel rail, oil at oil cooler connection and of course, the differential at the fill plug.  Unfortunately, the two digital gauges have an upper limit of 120C (248F) and I think I've already exceeded that temperature in the engine compartment. The two dial gauges have a range of 40-140 C (104-284F). 

I currently still have the stock diff cover installed and I want to conduct a few autocross events to get an idea of what heat level I'm looking at. 

I'm taking the new diff cover to the machine shop to drill and tap the fill and drain holes on Monday. I drilled one of the mounting holes too deep and it broke through but I'm assuming Teflon(tm) tape will withstand the temperature. After this step, its ready to go except I need to create a modified rear transverse to clear the fins on the new diff cover.

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