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don't forget this happen in canada.i'm not a lawyer but our laws are different.probably is sueing everyone on lawyer's advise to increase odds on success, but ultimately it's the carpenter's decision.(my bro was hit by another lady who was backing out of her driveway.unfortunately he had two drinks and she sued him along with the lady's brother sister and mother.it was on some whacky grounds.he got off )

The lawyers are only interested in the ones with deep pockets. The car rental company will probably offer some sort of settlement in order to get the case to go away. It is a sad fact of the economic blackmail that lawyers have instituted onto our society. Either you pay out right away, so the scavengers...oops, lawyers get their full share, or they'll suck you dry over a period of years. The lawyer rarely if ever has anything to lose. They get paid by the hour to battle ANY kind of argument that can be legally plausible, and if they win, they have pre-arranged for a share of the loot left AFTER they take their hourly wage out of it.

It is for THAT reason that the settlements have gotten so high. A family or individual who sues due to a truly negligent action, is hoping to get some economic restitution due to the limitations imposed upon the rest of their life(s). They may not be able to AFFORD the legal representation required to achieve that restitution. A lawyer when presented such a case, if he feels they can pay him for his time while they pursue it, he'll take the case on. If on the other hand, the promise of a LARGE payout is there, they'll take the case on a contingency percentage of the payout, and then take their hourly wage out of the payout.

Large companies have evaluated the cost of litigating such a long and image damaging trial in the public court. The cost in lawyer fees, expert witnesses, lodging and all other related expenses, in addition to the buying publics perception of the company, very quickly add up to more than a fast 5-7 digit settlement. Economically speaking, which would you rather do, pay out 5 million in fees and lost sales, or 500 thousand right now? The lawyers know this, just like your average street mugger, a small pain as opposed to a larger more protracted pain, the choice is obvious. Even a wolf will gnaw off it's own paw in order to get away from a trap.

Unfortunately, any attempt at mitigating the leech effect of the lawyers, is constrained in that it takes LAWYERS to write it up. Give up a lucrative and sure thing for them? HAH!



  • 1 month later...


Ive been really busy for the last little while, as you might understand.

I think this is the most stress I have ever had to deal with. I went to see a lawyer to better understand the situation. He was extremely helpfull and actually recommended that I contact my dads home insurance providers, as they might cover us.

It turns out that because my brother and myself where still in college when the incident occurred we are automatically covered by my dads policy as dependents. I would like to thank everyone for your support, I really appreciate it. :D


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