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Income poll...

Annual Household Income in US$/Euro  

146 members have voted

  1. 1. Annual Household Income in US$/Euro

    • Under $10,000
    • $10,000-25,000
    • $25,000-40,000
    • $40,000-60,000
    • $60,000-80,000
    • $80,000-100,000
    • $100,000-150,000
    • Over $150,000

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It looks like I fall into the lower middle section (4th bar) and I must say it is great to be single because, with 6 Z's and 2 parts cars there is no way I would be able to get away with so many cars in so many places (thanks, Dad) and still be married:D

A comedian once asked the question:

"Why can't we start out rich and young without having to work and end up old and having to work?"

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We land around the middle, thanks to my wife working for the US Forest Service. Had to take a disability from my trout hatchery manager job a couple years ago, so my income dropped by 2/3. Add to that my medical expenses, a daughter just starting college, and a son in high school and spare money is getting extremely rare. Don't even know what a savings account is. What's a 401K? But we live in a great area and eat well. Whenever I feel a smidgen of pity for our economic state, I remember seeing the kids living in cardboard boxes in the flavellas of Rio de Janeiro(sp?) and searching the garbage for food. I do realize how unbelievably spoiled I am and that I have 1000 times what I need to live. Victor.

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get about half that due to TAXES! I hate taxes, I really do.

Don't forget that. Don't EVER forget that. It is imperative to instill this idea in the young. You are going to go to college and learn about 'social programs' and 'equality' and then you are going to get a job and start making some money and get comfortable and when you go to the polling booth, you will think, "Well, that's not a bad idea, and hmmm..that's a pretty good idea, and... let's see... yeah, that's also a pretty good cause." And everytime you punch that 'yes' chad money is coming OUT of your Z budget. The worst part is, a very small percentage actually makes it to the intended fund. Administration often runs better than 60%. Do you have any idea how many government salaries it takes to spend one solitary dollar on a social program?

I hate taxes, I really do.

Don't EVER for get that. Ever. (Oh yeah, I mentioned that.)


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I fall into the middle catagory. I am a manager in Retail Sales and just bought my 72 Z. It is in pretty good shape for a 31 year old car with a tight motor. No smoke one small leak so far and some rust that I hope I can get replaced with sheet metal before it consumes the whole car!

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We fall into the 60-80 cat thanks to my wifes job and my recent promotion. It would be higher if I counted the fact I live on the base for FREE. I love how people want world peace....for me the lack of world peace equals JOB SECURITY!!!. Although I did take a beating in the stock market...but hey...its now a buyers market..:stupid:

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Originally posted by nutxo

best year since 2 years before slick willie left office,.. why is it called the bush recession if it started when clinton was in office?

It's only called the Bush recession by people that don't know any better...

That ought to stir up the brush a bit :devious: :devious: .

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Originally posted by mdbrandy

It's only called the Bush recession by people that don't know any better...

That ought to stir up the brush a bit :devious: :devious: .

The recession started on Clinton's watch for sure, but Ol' G.W. hasn't done SQUAT to remedy the situation.

There is plenty of blame to be shared by BOTH administrations, (like 99.9% of all politicians) both B.C. and G.W.B. are as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

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