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83 zx block with a 73 z head??

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I have an L24 that someone put in a 280zx and it has N42 head. On the New Zealand Z owners site is every combination of every engine you can play what iff...http://www.zclub.org.nz/links.htm just click on the engine calculator any L series to any pistons to any head..

Here is a site that has a lot of information that you may find interesting . www.geocities.com/zgarage.2001/engine.html It has the run down on engine blocks and heads , how to identify such and compatability. I believe it is written with the U S market in mind . There are different items available in various countries.

Originally posted by ZmeFly

its a carbie head, it will work and you could make it work with fi if you spend some money.

i would go with a N42 head if your looking to go fi

This causes me to have a question. I have an F54 block with flat-top pistons that I want to put an N42 head on, now I know that there is no problem with that. The potential for a problem is that I want to then put on an N36 intake and SUs. Will this work as a direct bolt on or are there modifications to the head that must be made?


Okay, so you have a ZX F54 block and a '73 240Z head (should be an E88). But what car are you going to put it in? If it is going back into a '73 240Z with Hitachi SU type carbs then you don't have to worry about sensors, etc. You can use your old crank pully, exhaust manifold, alternator, smog pump, motor mounts, distributor, flywheel, etc. I think you will need to swap over the crank vent tube. Also, the bumps in the oil pan may be different so you may need to swap the oil pan and maybe even the oil pump inlet tube and strainer. When doing this swap many like to use the ZX distributor and electronic ignition module, so you don't have to deal with points. This does require some minor wiring modifications. The other difference is you will need to use better gas as your compression ratio will go from 8.5:1 to close to 10:1 depending on the head gasket used. To get the most out of the F54/E88 combo you would want a good exhaust setup, maybe some larger valves and better cam.


It's been a while since I have looked at an N42 head. But from what I have read and seen all the L6 FI heads still have the threaded holes for the carbs so you should be able to bolt up an N36 intake and Hitachi SU type carbs to the N42 (or N47,P79, P90 or P90A) head and use that combo with the F54 L28 block. Like with quansta when using an first generation head (E31, E88, N42, or N47 head) you will end up with close to 10:1 compression, which will benefit from better exhaust, etc. The advantage of the N42 head is that it has larger valves than the earlier heads. Otherwise I have read that the cam and combustion chamber of the N42 is very similar to the earlier heads.

Hope it helps! Happy Holidays!

Like they say oils aint oils Sol, so I guess unless you wanna flip a coin to see if heads or tails?? ...As to which head is best and why, I just read lots of comments about valve types, valve sizes, valve seat tempering for ULP use and quenching flame fronts all pretty techy stuff ? No one has yet answered my question as to why someone would pull out an L28//F54 and N42 and mate it with an L24 fully reconditioned and put it back into the vehicle in the year 2000. I can only assume it was to run the car on LPG and ULP.

I am told L24 is a better racing engine with less out of balance harmonics and revs harder..

www.geocities.com/zgarage.2001/engine.html this link is dead..by the way

This site has an interactive spreadhseet you can select every piston or L24/L26/L28 block combiniation and every head combination and see what power and compression ration you will achieve its very clever


I think this is the link there were intending to put up , its very use full building a f-54 and e31 combo , good luckhttp://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/z.html

anyone have a breakdown anywhere of specific up grade to do when rebuilding this , heard of the crank bolts and turbo oil pump just was curious,Jeff:geek:

Originally posted by stevegee

No one has yet answered my question as to why someone would pull out an L28//F54 and N42 and mate it with an L24 fully reconditioned and put it back into the vehicle in the year 2000.

Hi Steve,

Not sure I understand your question? What do you mean by "...mate it with an L24 fully reconditioned..." Are you suggesting people are removing L28 (F54 casting)/N42 engines and putting back in the original L24/E88 engines in a 240Z???

I agree that which head is best is a crap shoot. For the most part with money they can all be made to perform well. I think it has been said here that if you have one of the different L6 heads in good shape to start with you are ahead of the game!

What I have seen is more and more that most 240Z's these days have L28 blocks in them (I am one of them). If you have to have your engine rebuilt and you are not concerned about being original (because of show or racing class rules) the L28 makes a lot of sense. The blocks are newer, have more displacement, can be bought inexpensively (I see a lot more L28's in the junk yards than L24's). I have heard numerous folks with L6's with 3.0+ liters of displacement (some here at this site) say they rev up just fine with the right cam. Since it is a bolt on swap you can keep your old L24 engine block and head to sell with the car if you want to keep it's original value.

Not sure if that is the same point you were trying to make or not. Hope it helps!

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