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He's located on Texas according to the auction, and judging from the picture is will only fit a right hand drive Z. Shipping $$$ will kill most of you Aussies, and there aren't many RHD Z's here.

Also. his description says "I paid almost $400 American to get this looking so good." (?) It comes with wiring too, and the OEM dashes do not include wiring. I wonder if it is indeed a NEW dash or a recovered dash.


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I was a little stumped by his description too.

It looks like he did a little photoshopping on that picture. I wonder if he "flipped" the image and doesn't realize that it now looks like a RHD dash :stupid: :stupid: That's a stretch, but stranger things have happened on ebay :ermm:

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Originally posted by mwz

I was a little stumped by his description too.

It looks like he did a little photoshopping on that picture. I wonder if he "flipped" the image and doesn't realize that it now looks like a RHD dash :stupid: :stupid: That's a stretch, but stranger things have happened on ebay :ermm:

I agree Chloe. He never mentions whether it is RHD or LHD.

Clarification seems to be needed.

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