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Hey guys, Im new to this forum and Im new to z cars. I just bought a 1974 260z for $1000 it needs a little work but is in pretty good shape for a grand. Interior is fairly good passanger seat is brand new driver has a couple tears, straight body except for some wholes and stuff. Runs good except when it warms up pretty good and you get on it, it starts to bog down at hight RPM's the guy I bought it from says its the carbs. Also I dont want a full body kit but the car on this site (top left hand corner) looks nice, do they just sell the front peice by itself? Can you guys give me some links to some sites that i can buy performance/stock parts from i would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!


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you can buy that exact spoiler from motorsport auto http://www.zcarparts.com/ they also have a very good selection of stock and performance parts , also victoria british , alot depends on the part , if you have su carbs I recommend ztherapy highly , did business with them and was very happy , http://ztherapy.com/

if you need any more info on specific parts suppilers many people on this site can help or they might have them as well, did alot of homework from this site for my 240 , great people on this site good luck :geek: Jeff

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I also had 74' 260Z (Canadian Standard) but this carburetor (SU Hitachi) is basically not so good. Espesially in summer time.

This is due to parcolation (gas become too rich when start car).

If it's possible, you better change carb to after market parts or 240Z carb.

Also water cycling inside this carb but this is also no good for summer time drive. In my experience, this water line and exust recycling pipe also no need. In winter time just put something wall in front of radiator. Even Canada this was enough for avoid icing.

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Daniel, take a look at the carbs. If they are flat top carbs , that is if the domes have tops that look like soup cans. If this is the case ,they are emissions carbs and were not good when the car was new and still aren't. E-bay is a source , however if you have the $, Z-Therapy is the best in the buisness. 503-587-9800 or ztherapy.com . For other parts for the car check out midwestz.com Chloe is vary helpful and finds things others cant and give us good prices . All the best Gary

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