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Household Expenditure on Xmas Gifts (US$/EU)  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Household Expenditure on Xmas Gifts (US$/EU)

    • $0.00
    • Under $100
    • $100 - $300
    • $300 - $600
    • $600 - $1000
    • $1000 - $2000
    • $2000 - $4000
    • Over $4000
    • All to Charity

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Come on folks-show your patriotism. Do your patriotic duty and get into the four figure categories. Help get the economy rolling again. Of course, if you are not paying attention you will be supporting the economies of China, Japan, Guatemala, Thailand, etc., etc.

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Originally posted by ZwolleY

........ Help get the economy rolling again. ...........

GWB and Cheney are taking care of that with all the billions of tax dollars they're pumping OUT of the taxpayers pocket's and INTO the pocket's of their pals at Haliburton and Bechtel, in order to "rebuild" Iraq and to get the OIL out of Iraq, at a hefty profit.

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I am liking the Christmas season so far. My art prints are selling for double the normal price during the year.

People do appear to be buying more. I think all the Bush Bashers may have to eat their words if the economy keeps improving.

I will start my shopping next week. Stayed away from the stores to avoid that Thanksgiving weekend startup.

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Originally posted by Datzun76

....... I think all the Bush Bashers may have to eat their words if the economy keeps improving...............

LOL Don't hold your breath waiting for me to eat dem words. :D

If/When the enconomy improves it will be in spite of, rather than because of GWB. (but I am glad your business is doing better. At least some of the money is staying out of Bechtel, and Haliburton's pockets!)

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>>>that is a perfect bell curve...<<<<

Yes, almost all of the 'serious' polls might be a bit skewed at first, but eventually settle out to a perfect representation of a cross-section of society. The recent 'Relationship' poll was an anomaly--as I expected--in that somewhere around 10% of world population is homosexual, and we do not validate that statistic. I suppose it could be an honesty thing, but I guess being a 'car' site places us a bit at the fringes of society.


Social scientist in the box

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