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Custom Wiring Harnesses (Part 2)

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There have been alot of great ideas and suggestions. I am just sorry I haven't been on the board much lately. Just took a new design position at work and have been extremely busy. Still messing with the wiring project in my spare time, though. I've got everything figured out except the ignition. It's a funky connector setup that's kinda hard wired to the switch (well... mine is). I was going to use my harness as a 'test' piece, but the removal of the L24 and the installation of my SR20 has kinda curbed that one a bit. Even though there have been set-backs I am still enthusiastic about it... just overly occupied! I do, however, appreciate everyones support and I encourage all those with an interest in projects like this to go for it! Cheers

Looks like the two threads confused most of us, many posts of a more recent date on the first one-until yesterday, I didn't know there was a part 2. It wasnt on the first page of the listing,and I am so much of a Newbie, I didn't know to go look!

Anyway, I am still game for this, it looks like the ZHad Man has a life and has encouraged the rest of us to "go for it"

I think we should. I know my cars (A 73 240Z, a 77 280Z, and a 2000 ROADSTER with a hardtop) will benefit from this,

I have already accumulated much of the stuf needed to make it happen for the 240Z. I will be happy to be a part of a team

At this time my direction is:

I will be replacing the Fuse box in my 240Z and correcting the more pressing wiring problems(Charging circuit, headlights, AC) soon. I am getting an L28ET ready to go in, I will install it, rough out its' wiring, drive and tune the car a while, then put the 240 on a roticerie for a ground-up. At that point I will pull the harness and really get into the meat of this. I want to keep the factory color codes, but update the technology where it makes since, and clean where it does not.

I am open to any suggestions


Bambikiller240 is there a way to combine or archive the first thread to stop that confusion we all evidently had?

Looks like a good company, but as ZHadMan pointed out earlier in the post(s), why pay them to do something that can I can do less expensively. They have a higher markup on things I can get at Waytekwire cheeper.


12 conductor blade fuse panel $13.14 Waytek, $21.12 KJco.

25Amp curcuit breaker for above $1.68 Waytek, $4.68 KJco

250 feet of black GXL 16Guage $12.45 Waytek, $35 KJco

If that was all it took to make a harness for you, I just saved you more than half by buying at Waytec. I would be excited too if I thought I could sell something at that margin!

Keep the info coming, we need the best of it! In all of my searches, Waytek was the best source, but that doens not mean that they are! I have been very, very wrong before!

Let's face it, this is one a the few attempt for a realistic group project and this one deserve to see an end.

Maybe we could do as the big cheese do and find a nice company “oversea” (way over, like in China?) to keep the cost low and affordable? I am thinking about parts needing more time than knowledge!!! Maybe if you design a nice Harness blueprint we could have a 100 set made for the club. Those peoples have fairly decent skills today! Same for the stainless steel parts, bumpers end other bits…

Originally posted by hls30.com

Bambikiller240 is there a way to combine or archive the first thread to stop that confusion we all evidently had?

I don't think there is a way, but IF there were a way it would take a "Super Moderator" (as opposed to a regular moderator) to do it.

Frankly, I haven't seen (from my viewpoint) any confusion with a Part 1 and Part 2. If there is a problem, it is easily ended by closing one of the threads to new posts.

Anyone following this subject must by now realize that this is a MAJOR undertaking when one considers all of the different varieties of harnesses in the various year models of Z cars (70-78), and then you have the different goals of the potential purchasers (100% OEM, updated to current technology, hybrid harnesses for EFI &/or Turbo installations in cars that didn't originally come so equipped).

Farming out sections to different people to work on is a tricky issue at best. When this ocurrs you invariably end up with different levels of competancy which result in varying levels of quality. This would end my interest in purchasing a harness, as at that point, I'd rather do it myself to ensure quality and compatibility of the entire product.

I wouldn't be interested in a harness made in China either. When was the last time you bought something made in China that was actually well made, durable, and properly engineered?

For me the answer is "never".

Ask Rony where he get all his hapy-meals toys from?????

I have 4 kids and those toys seems to be there forever now!

Half of my computer is coming from china.

I think that if most of the goods coming from there is junk, it's mainly becauses thats what we ordered... low cost trash. But when it comes to real tech stuff, they aren't the worse around.

A few of my friend work there for GE or Peugeot/Citroën and they are building cars just as poorly as we do here.

I think the issue would be to look for the best of them and to ask them quality, they still would be years ahead of us in term of final cost!

And they could deliver it right in Vancouver or Seatle, when they visit their relatives with their one-way ticket...

But why do I need a harness in the first place, I am not into bondage... I more traditional on those matters. :love: :love: :love:

My 2 euro cents (starting to make lots of US cents:ermm: :ermm: )


Originally posted by Caen Fred

Ask Rony where he get all his hapy-meals toys from?????

I have 4 kids and those toys seems to be there forever now!

Half of my computer is coming from china..................

Happy Meal toys are simple plastics. In the US, computers made in China are routinely purchased with "extended warranties", backed by the giant company that contracted the build in China. This is something that would not be available to us as a small group of wiring harness buyers dealing with a nameless, faceless company half way around the world. We would be minnows in a shark tank, so to speak. Who would represent us to the Chinese company/government in negotiations and if/when problems arise?

Originally posted by Caen Fred

I think the issue would be to look for the best of them and to ask them quality, they still would be years ahead of us in term of final cost!

And they could deliver it right in Vancouver or Seatle, when they visit their relatives with their one-way ticket...

This would involve import duties to be paid and probably a lot of paperwork. (Alan T probably has some idea of what would be involved)

Originally posted by Caen Fred

But why do I need a harness in the first place, I am not into bondage... I more traditional on those matters.


Wasn't the Marquis De Sade from your country? I thought all French were "kinky". LOL Just kidding Frederick!

BambiKiller240, On the confusion, I guess it was all on my part.

I appreciate your honesty in your reaction to the piecing the harness sections together from members, I have a hard time trusting that others will do something as well as I want it done as well, but what if all of the materials were bought by one person, distributed to those interested in working on the project and then returned to that person for inspection and final assembly?

A big project is always more complicated than a little project, that is exactly why I suggested sending interested members little projects. Give everybody a small part, and noone is overwhelmed by the size of their little part of the whole thing! BTW I am not talking about a mass production of these harnesses, I am talking about making two or three prototypes and either contracting it out or supplying it in kit form.

One thing about the harnesses, Making a replacement harness for specific years would be making 8 different harnesses, You can't please everyone, that is why we customize our cars. But, all of the pieces that the wires go to, except the fusebox (and in the case of a non L2X(XX) engine swap, the engine) are pretty well in the same place between all of the year models. Making one new replacement standardized core harness should not be nearly as difficultas 8 distinct harnesses-most of the wiring of the switches is common, the engine sensors are common. The ecm is on an entirely seporate harness that would typically be comming with the engine in a swap anyway so the engine management harness could be dealt with as a seporate issue. I think a standard core harness could be made. Make two fusebox types(one with a pigtail shortened for center mount, one lengthened for footwell mount) and between the three parts all of the year models could be covered with a standardized Non engine control harness.

Adding sub-harnesses for a sterio system, auxillary fans or what ever shouldn't be too bad, provide the additional wiring for 2 pairs of connections at the radiator, two at the center console, and two at the back of the car, that gives 6 circuits for adding electrical accessories Use big wire for one at each of the three locations if necessary.

Just a thought !

Have you ever tried to use (say) a 71 harness in a 73 Z? Or even a early 71 harness in a 72 Z? Many of the connectors are slightly different. Length of wiring to components is sometimes different. Turn signal switches come to mind. Hazard switches are another. Cigar lighters in different locations = different wire lengths needed.

Fuse boxes (Long tail vs Short tail, Lighted heater control panel v.s. Non-Lighted. Some of the Dashboard instruments seem to have different connectors in different years of Z's. I'll bet there are other anomalies as well

Nissan wasn't very consistant in the wiring department.

I am really not trying to dissuade anyone from putting together a team to work on this if that is what they want to do, but it would be a shame for folks to jump into it and THEN realize that it is more work than they planned to tackle after having spent time and money.

For my money the resultant product must have soldered connections EVERYWHERE, Shrink-tubing where any bare terminal is located, and the highest quality materials and workmanship throughout. Anything less is a false economy.

I agree, there is no reason to do something half way. Honestly, I have worked on one '70, 2 '72s, too many '73s to count , several '76s, and my '77 rebody. So my first-hand knowledge is limited to those. I have factory manuals on the '73, 77, and '82. My three Zs will get done, and I certianly will share the info.

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