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Beandip needs your help clubmembers!

He's been laboring very intensely on completely restoring his vehicle. He drove the car into his garage whereupon he promptly removed bumpers, front fenders, engine, transmission, interior and just about every removable piece from the car.

Now, in order to assist this, he purchased a set of wheel caster beds. These allow you to rotate the car...as long as it's on a flat pad of concrete. Well, if you look closely in the picture, you'll note that "eye-level" which is what the camera was held at, is approximately right above the door panel's. This means that standing in the driveway leading to the garage at less than 10 feet distance you are already a fair amount BELOW the floor level of the garage.

Now, this picture was taken back in October, and since then the vehicle has gained a bit of weight, hence making it VERY tricky to roll part of the car out on the driveway hoping to straighten it out.

He needs to straighten out the car soon, as with the snow we've received in Portland this past week, his owner or SWMBO is really beginning to not like trudging through the snow just cause Beandip got the car stuck in the garage.

So, do you guys think we can come up with an answer?



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If I'm understanding the situation, the driveway is a steep incline UP into the garage.

Only thing I can think of is to gather 4 to 6 TRUSTED men to man-handle the car out of the garage, rotate it and push it back in (or where ever Gary wants it to be).

I gotta ask though, since it's the only car in the garage, what was gained by parking it in this fashion? Wasn't here enough room on the sides when parked normally to work on it?

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All I can say is... Gary, "Duck and cover"... .....LOL

Hmm, reminds me of the story of the guy who built a kit car in his basement...:devious:

I can say this, if it got in there, it's gotta come out. Can it be turned 1/4 turn where it is and pushed back in to the left rear corner so the other car has enough room?

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Did you ever ask for a hand and all you got was the C L A P ?? Like the song says " thank God for unansered prayers " . When you ask for help you never know what is in store ??? Next time when I go to get the Beer and pizza I will lock the door !! I am not saying I know who did it but I also found fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror and gold striping on the rear window, plus some white Cat hair . I dont have a cat, Hum ! ROFL ROFL

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Originally posted by beandip

I am not saying I know who did it but I also found fuzzy dice hanging from the rear view mirror and gold striping on the rear window, plus some white Cat hair . I dont have a cat, Hum ! ROFL ROFL

Fuzzy Dice, huh? Thank goodness my 3 cats aren't white (one black, one grey, one black and grey), so it couldn't have been me. Oh, wait.......wasn't there an elderly fellow in the Member Mugshots Gallery with Gold Z and a white cat by his side? Hmmmm, I wonder........................ ROFL

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Hey Carl last week on Friday it's raining like crazy and my cousin decides to close shop to go motorcycle hunting. In salvage dealers. Outside! Anyway we live in LA, so we are on the 605 N, when I see an old tow truck that reads "Dismantlers, Santa Rita road, Pleasanton CA. LOL I half turned around to check if they where hauling a Z.LOL


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If you can't rotate the car where it is, then move some krap out of the way. If it is just too heavy then hook a cable come-along from right front corner cart to something substantial in right front corner in garage (box of old porn magazines?).

Hook left rear cart to friends car parked towards left side of driveway (or second box of old porn magazines?) with second come-along.

By tightening cables it should straighten out in the garage. Then reposition the come-alongs to pull it to one side.

When done, give the old porn collection to the guy that gripes about the snow. Should keep him busy till spring.

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I was thinking of bolting a large Eye bolt through the roof and lifting it up and spinning it around I could attach it to beam of the garage and add a stiffiner plate in side under the roof. What do ya think? I shure would like to close the garage door since it is now 17 degs. and snowing and 20 MPH wind blowing and I am freezing my arse off. I SENT THE CAT HAIR TO THE F.B.I. AND THEY ARE DOING A D N A TEST. Were going to get to bottom or top of this , which ever comes first ! The dice came from Mexaco hum .

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Originally posted by beandip

I was thinking of bolting a large Eye bolt through the roof and lifting it up and spinning it around I could attach it to beam of the garage and add a stiffiner plate in side under the roof. What do ya think?

I knew a guy that used to hoist engines out of cars by using a block and tackle attached to the beams of his garage roof. The garage leaked like a sieve in the winter rains due to the distortion he caused by doing this. Be Careful!!!!

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