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And none of the "beware for the children" warnings apply on a limited access highway. We've already discussed that the speed limits have different importances depending on whether you're on a surface street, in a neighborhood, or on the highway. It drives me nuts when people take a broad brush across an entire set of unrelated (or at least very different) situations and stamp them with some platitude. "There is no such thing as safe speeding" means nothing without context.

Originally posted by mdbrandy

"There is no such thing as safe speeding"

ooooooooo.... you're in trouble now.... LOL

I say that too, but it probably means something different to everybody.

I still think it's a good thing to say, in general (no matter what context).

:cross-eye :cross-eye :cross-eye

OOOOOHHH, BOY. Here we go again !!!

Look, let's face it. Any vehicle, be it a 22 wheel Semi or a pushbike, can be deadly in the hands of inexperienced drivers.

Now, anyone who has been following this thread knows my thoughts on exceeding the posted speed limits. However, given a choice, I'd prefer to ride as a passenger in a car travelling at 110kph driven by an EXPERIENCED driver than 80kph by a NOVICE.

It's the lack of proper TRAINING and EXPERIENCE that's ONE of the main causes of our youth losing their lives on the highway battlfield.

And that makes me bloody :mad: and :cry: with frustration because the politicians keep saying things must change but no politician is game to suggest any RADICAL changes because it would probably be political suicide to do so.


Pigs on my end too! LOL

I don't one of any politicians that will actually DO the things they say. In their defense, it isn't easy to get new laws passed either. Unless pressed, people are (classic 3 vices):

Greedy, vain and fearful

and some are:




From all that, you get the worst thing about certain trivers:

"I have a licence! That means I KNOW how to drive safely!"

Obviously, too many licensed drivers over-estimatetheir ability. I hope none of them drive Zeds.

....And that's what this topic is all about.

That was not directed at anyone. in particular just rather as a statement..

No mater in what context there is no such thing as safe speeding..

Today for instance i was traviling my normal route to my mates place along the forshore and a little kid about 5-6 years old road his bike out in frnot of me.. Even at 50km/h i had little room to stop... mind you i still did but if i was traviling 60-65km/h i would of had no chance.. and would of had to live with killing a child for the rest of my life but if i had of stuck to the speed limit i would of mised him like i did.

Im 18 and i dont take myself to be a great driver whilst im ok im no Forumula 1 Driver.. Hence why i take my time.. take care watch out on the roads for other users.. and make sure i stay out of trouble..

You all know my thoughts on speeding so no point going on about them :)

I aplaud you for having such a mature/sensible stance on the issue for your age. It's pretty rare.

However I do have to disagree on your point that there is no safe speeding. This is only correct in the same way that (as I said yesterday) there is no safe driving of a car.

The simple fact is that there is risk as soon as your car starts moving, regardless of where you are, who's around and how fast you're going. However, what we have to look at is acceptable/reasonable risk.

In your example, yes, the risk from traveling faster than 50kph would have been unacceptable. The thing is there are instances where the posted speed limit can be exceeded without creating excessive risk.

For example, the highway. We have some excellent highways in this country, yet they are all posted at a max of 100, and in some places 110. Many of these would be perfectly safe at say 120-130 (I'm talking about highway sections further out away from towns where the traffic is lighter). Look at most other countries in the world, they have much higher highway limits. Eg in the US they now have 70mph (or was it 75) in many states*. In the european countries limits around the 140kph mark aren't uncommon.

*Reserch has shown the highway death toll in the states that have increased their speed limits, has dropped.

Another example: Where I live we are all on 5 acre blocks, it's a good 2 lane road with only light traffic and a posted speed limit of 60km/h. Now head out to Jensen, another suburb on the ouskirts of the other side of town. The roads, block size, traffic etc there is pretty much exactly the same as it is here, yet it has an 80km/h limit. Why? I don't know.

80 would be fine on either road in the day time, although 60 is about right at night due to the wildlife (or 50km/h with zed headlights :) ). But that's a case of people needing to know how to drive to the conditions.

Originally posted by Datto-Zed

Eg in the US they now have 70mph (or was it 75) in many states. Reserch has shown the highway death toll in the states that have increased their speed limits, has dropped.

gor the same reason, the death toll on the german Autobahn is significantly less. Even though they are going 200+ kph, their drivers are focused on the driving and not on the radio, DVD, or even cupholders(!) I recently saw a program on Porsches & Audis which showed how only the American ones had cupholders. The german customers requested they be removed!

How about that for people serious about driving well.

For the same reason, I am against having cupholders, DVD, dashboard computers, even loud radios. Cupholders are only good for holding loose change! Radios should be limited to 5 watts.& 4 inch speakers.

Peace, Baby.

A couple of points that I would like to make. Here in Spain on the Motorways the speed limit is set at 120 kph. The police oficially let you drive at 150 kph without fines, etc. They will take your license of you for a month at 180 kph. Most cars drive at 150 / 160 kph. The accidents I´ve seen here on the motorways have had nothing to do with excess speed just bad driving. Please don´t use rear view mirrors or indicators. They judge distances badly. Some just drive too aggresively. May it would be a good idea to have varying classes of car driving licenses like we have here for motor bikes. Firstly at 14 after a theory test you can drive a 50cc. Then at 17 after a proper test you can have a 125 , after 2 years experience you can get a 250 or a bike restricted to 34 bhp. After another 2 years you can drive any bike. Maybe a driving license restricted to cars with say 60 bhp for the first 2 years then up to say 100, then more complete with driving tests no just to do stupid things like a hill start but important aspects like defensive driving, increased road awareness. I also think that for peformance cars drivers should have track experience so that they really know what´s going on.

Yair, Symon,

I said much the same thing earlier in this thread.

As things stand here in Oz, there is nothing to stop a person who has just passed their driving test from getting into a high powered muscle car and driving interstate. Now, that's asking for trouble.

Problem is, a little 4 cylinder buzz bomb can go fast enough to kill or maim an inexperienced driver if it gets wrapped around a tree.

Newly licensed drivers should not be allowed on the open highway without first receiving training on handling a vehicle at speeds above 80kph.

O.K., so experience only comes with time spent behind the wheel but, PROPER, more EXTENSIVE TRAINING could possibly keep young drivers alive long enough to GAIN that experience.


:devious: :devious:

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