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I'll take the blame.

Rick's original post was a conversation starter, and I objected to my perception of Carl and Victor's replies and may have made a hairy nuisance of myself. I'm the one that got deep and proceeded to dig further.

I will excuse myself with the following:

I will admit to responding to posts with more than a dash of thought provoking commentary (or at least, I HOPE it's thought provoking). The members of this group in general, give their best replies to thought provoking discussions. Then again, we're all guilty of the bonehead response to one or another topic.

I'm not refering to debates on the best method to remove the center instruments, or how to remove the spindle pin, as these tend to generate agreement over time, as the different methods are tried and dismissed.

I'm referring to topics such as Alan's "Interior Ergonomics" post. There are others, but that one has to be the all time winner with regards to responses that continue to engender other posts.

It is these thought provoking posts that, to me, make this site as interesting as it is. Yes our group tends to be a bit more "conservative" than other sites which will remain nameless. And maybe it is that conservatism that has drawn such notable folks as Carl Beck, Carl Stahlnecker, Alan T., Victor Laury, Ken Mack, M. Perdue, and so many others that it is my lack of total recall that limits the list and not their notability. We do have our younger and our older, and maybe conservative is not the term I should use. Some might explain it away as dedication to the "true spirit" of the Z that Mr. K introduced in 1969.

So many of us fell in love with the true blue limited sports cars of those days and found our dreams far exceeded the availability of the cars and that only by winning the Irish Sweepstakes might we be able to achieve them. The Z offered us a way to fulfill those dreams. It was and is yet, affordable and available. It's distinct lines, appeal, and speed are but the tip of why we love them.

Again, this post is guilty of being a bit deep. Happily the members of this site are miners.



Hi Enrique:

I (dare I say WE) appreciate your points of view and your wisdom. There really isn't a need for anyone to "take blame" for anythng in this thread. There are differing opinions on many subjects and we are all entitled to our own. Sometimes airing them to our compatriots will moderate those opinions even if it doesn't *change* them. It's all good to me, and as stated before "Different strokes for different folks."

PS No one has ever mistaken me for someone who is "conservative", though some have mistaken me for a "liberal". I don't feel that I fit in either mould. I tend to vote as much one way as the other. I am a registerd Libertarian. I make a consious effort to make up my own mind on any subject and I avoid believing what anyone tells me I *should* believe until I come to understand the subject to the best of my ability.

(Whew, guess I'm a bit wordy tonight.)



I had this real nice reply all written out , then when I hit that submit button I wasn't logged in anymore. The gist of it was this is real cool that people from all over the world can talk about stuff from other oints of views. This is very good. I guess sometimes the differences in the way we all joke comes out a little wrong, but that is also cool. Because now we all see a little bit of the way of thinking from different folk. Can our elected officals do this good? Everyone of us has something in their own country that is large and grand. We should all be lucky enough to travel to an other members neck of the woods and see what good things there are to take in the way the locals see them. Your right Carl it is all good. When I bought my first Zed, there was no place like this. And Any Clubs where far away from me. I love this place. The members here I would not call conservative. Diverse and Mature, yes. No back to your normal witt. I have to get back to Alan's Thread I don't want to fall behind more pages. :devious:

Since EScanlon threw my name out there, I'll post my opinion of parades.

I've had enough of parades!:cross-eye

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them. There are lots of people that make a living off parades. Here in San Antonio there is a company (just down the street from my office) that does nothing but build parade floats all year long. So parades are good in some respects.

But having been a member of a marching band from Junior High to High School, I personally have had enough of them. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. I've done enough marching in the parades to have my fill.

The area of South Texas known as the Rio Grande Valley (as far south as you can go in Texas, or the US for that matter) has to have the worst parade I have ever been a part of. The Charro Days Parade celebrates is the annual fiesta celebrating Brownsville´s bi-national heritage. This parade is almost 8 miles in length and takes over 5 hours to complete! It takes place at the end of February/beginning of March just as the Texas sun is warming up. As a member of the marching band, we start-stop-stand, repeat as the day goes on. Most times we would barely finish the drum cadence before we had to stop again. All because some dance troop only went 50' before they started their routine again. It basically sucked.

So there is my reason for not ever wanting to see a parade again, TV or in person. It brings up too many bad memories. :disappoin


Believe me, Kmack, I can understand your aversion to parades but, me, ---I LOVE "EM.

Now, I have absolutely no idea how many parades I've taken part in, but after 20 years in the Army there was a bloody lot.

There was one that really stands out in my memory.

I forget the occassion but way back in 1966 the whole Batallion was on parade in Canberra, the Aussie capitol.

We were kept standing at attention for to bloody long and blokes were dropping like flies from the heat.

Something hit my Slouch Hat. Didn't know what it was. Then, very slowly, this horrible, slimy mucous started dribbling over the brim of my hat to dangle there level with my right eye. A BLOODY BIRD HAD POOPED ON ME.

:devious: :devious: :devious:


When I was living in Colorado Springs in 1991 I was a member of the Ordinary Average Guys Precision Lawn Mower Drill Team. We won some kind of first place award. It started as a joke but ended up being the hit of the parade.

We had about 16 guys all dressed in jeans, white t-shirts and baseball caps with our Ordinary Average Guys name on them. We were marching with (non-running) push mowers and performed numerous drills including mower-tip-cross-overs, a pinwheel, arrow-head and flying-x. It was amazing the cheers we received.

Originally posted by 1 Bravo 6

....this horrible, slimy mucous started dribbling over the brim of my hat to dangle there level with my right eye. A BLOODY BIRD HAD POOPED ON ME.

:devious: :devious: :devious:


I definitely can't compete with that one. I don't even want to think about it any more! :sick: :sick:

If I wanted out of a parade, I just locked my knees at attention and started to pass out from the heat. Worked every time.

I will admit that marching competitions were an absolute blast! :love: Those were usually all day long and over the course of two days. Awesome stuff to watch.

I don't know if anybody noticed, but the parade was followed by a pretty famous football game.

USC was fantastic... and I'm a Big 10 guy. Before the game, I thought the hated Wolverines (:sick:) were the best team in the country; I was w-r-O-O-Ong.:finger:

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