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The little bit of chrome polishing I have done I have usually used Duponts Chrome polish paste with a soft buffing wheel or a rag. I think the steel wool would be a little too much like using sandpaper and leave a lot of fine scratches. There are a lot of chrome cleaners and polishes on the market, just about everyone markets one, so you could try one or two to see which gives the best result. A lot of it depends on the condition of the chrome you are working on.

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I agree with 2manyZ's; using steel wool on chrome should only be done as a last resort, and then, depending on the damage, I would use a 000 or thereabouts grade.

You might also check into a product by the POR15 people, called Artisan Metal Polish. In my opinion, one of the easiest, fastest and shiniest polish for the money, time and effort.

You can also check some of the other brands/products but it all boils down to the current condition of your chrome.

If you have just surface rust, and by that I mean NO pitting of the chrome, then most of the chrome cleaners out there will do what you want. It's when it goes through the chrome plating that you have problems. Another problem area is pitting due to acid rain or dried mineral (tap) water deposits.

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All this talk of polishing chrome has finally prompted me to register with the club... so here I am, reading (and contributing) from Perth in Western Australia.

Ahhh chrome, don't you love it (and loathe it when its not clean). I have used a product called Autosol in Australia for ages and it is the best. Apply and buff off with a very soft cloth. I've owned several motorcycles with lots of chrome (no, not Harleys, Moto Guzzis actually) and have used Autosol on forks, rims, rocker covers etc with excellent results. Even applying it to clean chrome will show an improvement. Now, I'm not sure if Autosol is available in your neck of the woods but it wouldn't hurt to have a look.

By the way, all this talk of steel wool and fine grade paper for polishing chrome makes me cringe!

A word of warning - make sure you have plenty of spare time for this task. I spot-tested a bit of Autosol on a rim of one bike and promptly blew the next 2 hours to make the remainder and the other rim look just as good!

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Upon closer inspection I've found that there are indeed spots that have that have gone past the chrome plating. Is there such thing as chrome re-plating?

I'm talking about a bumper and don't even know if I'm going keep it. Would it be better to just try to find one at a junkyard?

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Yes, it is possible to have your bumper re-plated. If the metal is still in good condition it would be possible to do it. How much is the next question. I have no idea what a plating shop would charge. You should check around your area and find out then decide if another used one is going to save you a considerable amount of money. New bumpers definately not cheap so if you want nice bumpers you should do a little research and find out what it would cost to re-plate yours, it may even be a little cheaper to have both done instead of buying one replacement.

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Sadly, the cost of replacing the bumpers depends on the year of the car, not only for availability but also for price. Years ago, replating a bumper would have been considered ONLY for special needs / show cars that needed / wanted extra thick chrome or specialty chroming. Replating a bumper was the last resort, and buying a NEW bumper was the FIRST resort.

Nowdays, it's the other way around.

Check with MSA, Victoria British and see how much it would cost you to buy new, then go check with your platers. And when you check with the platers, ask if they'll strip, grind, resurface and polish the new chrome. Then you'll know which way to go.

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