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What are these things?

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What are these? My father-in-law gave me this car(73 240z). He unfortunately sustained a brain injury and can not tell me anything about the car. He put a dual webber carb on and now there are three hoses hanging off of the engine. I assume they used to connect with the old are filter. All three have similar connectors. Can anyone help me out. Should I connect them to something? Should I plug them?

I tried to attach pictures of what I am talking about.

Also does anyone know how much increase in horsepower dual webbers add to a stock 1973 240z.



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Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, and would help us alot. Maybe if you could describe where the hoses go to? If you don't have a camera. Otherwise you could also look at the pictures in our gallery and see if those help.

On a 73 the only hoses I can remember are:

1. From the fuel tank to the drivers side engine bay to a valve that is under the coil to the air cleaner.

2. From the top of the valve cover to the air cleaner.

(this would be easier if I had a car to look at)

3. From the air pump to the air cleaner.

Can't think of anymore.

And as to how much the horsepower increased with your duel webers I would say it depends on how those carbs are set up and what size are they? But in stock form it isn't very much. 5-10 maybe.

Well, I have seen the photos and I see a very nice, white 73 in good form, obviously doted upon by your Father-in-law or previous owner.

Photo labled "driver side hose"

This is (was) the vacuum supply for the air injection system. Although we may argue on some items, we pretty much agree that the air system does far more harm than good. keep it pluged, or consider removing the rest of the system entirely.

Photo Labled "lower hose"

this is the crankcase vent that was connected to the PCV valve on the original setup. Do not plug. All engines need a crankcase vent, for more, the merrier. Before the mid 1960's, engines were vented to the atmospere, via a "draft tube". This is in no way "eco-friendly". Many here, who have fitted an alternate carburation system, have installed a "puke can" (lovely terminology, I perfer "catch can") to connect this hose, and the valve cover vent hose (below), to keep them vented, and keep the oil off the street.

Photo Labled "valvecoverhose"

see above. or just fit a small filter, availible in most Hot Rod shops, From K&N filters, to both hoses.

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