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I would like some (opinions) on an issue I'm having with a web site I developed:


I developed this site for my hobby club about a year ago, and I was recently 'notified' that I am supposed to destroy the work I have done because the new site is supposed to be "better." I don't knbow what "bettter" mean- maybe more bandwidth. I was told the new site has pictures and video clips. The new address exists, but there's nothing there yet!

MY side of this thing is that I put a LOT of effort and time into the design and development, and I don't really want to destroy these things for someone else's vanity, or because, "two sites would be confusing." I believe some people like the stuff I did and use it for reference.

I think Confusing means which one would be the "official" site. These guys just want a simple (dot) com address (should be dot-org anyway!) and don't want something else to confuse them. Just a bunch of bumbling politicals, IMO. I don't care which is the official site, as long as I can keep the URL I signed up for, and most of the design of what I have devceloped.

My idea is to keep the URL and probably redesign the site some to be something along the same hobby subject. I might even keep several of the pages intact, like an events calendar. Sort of like my own little hobby info repository, but on the net where I can share with others. I even use the site as an example of my skills (though not my best).

I'm not one to give in to political pressure, but it really helps to have a logical reason to resist. I suspect these (people) would even revoke your membership just because you "didn't do what THEY want." Probably refund your membership dues to justify things, too. I think my reasons are just and the outcome will benefit all.


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It you signed up for the web space and the url, then that belongs to you. Anything you create and put on that web space is yours.

Just because you are part of a club and developed this as the "official" club website doesnt mean that its theirs.

All the fan sites for pop stars, bands and movie stars are not owned by the said star/band but they could sue you for using copyrighted material.

You might have to stop using their legal trademarks or logo's that are copyrighted, but they cant shut you down. You can make a website about your hobby and the club you are in.

For example www.nissan.com belongs to a guy in the USA that sells computers. Nissan tried to sue the guy to get the url (he registered it first). but they didn't win. though the Nissan bloke cant use it to sell his computers anymore.

Thanks, mate.

I believe things the same as you, but I'm sure these people will probably "put pressure" on me, maybe even threaten with an expulsion, or black-balling (most likely) to get their way. It's been like that since I started this web site thing. S0-and-so doeasn't like this or that, so they put pressure on me to change things. Some reasonable, some not.

Things like "no newsletter." How do other people learn about your club if they can't see what you're club does (where you go, club events). Also "no names" Like 'Tom L.' is inappropriate, and unprofessional because of indetity theft , but I don't believe I've given away any personal details about anybody. In fact, I feel lucky that certain relevant members allowed me to put an email link in there. I even protected these people by hiding email addresses, putting them in submission forms!

This all goes back to my theory on the 3 typical vices of the "American citiizen":

1 -- Vanity

2 -- GREED

3 -- Fear

In that order. If you don't assert yourself in a massive way in this country, you stepped on all over. It's even worse for people that are disabled, like I am. Apparewntly, I need to be "told" everything that I need to do, how to do it, and when. Then somebody else steps in to do it for me??

I should have studied law in stead of Internet tech.


Originally posted by TomoHawk

I should have studied law in stead of Internet tech.


The comments below should not be construed as opposing your position concerning the website, as I support your position as stated.

Just what the country needs.................another lawyer.

IMO, politicians, lawyers, and "activists" are the cause of 90% problems in American society.

Ok, website issue...as long as you are not publishing copywritten material (including logos, etc) nor outright distributing personal information without the person's concent they reall can't touch you. You own the website so you can do pretty much what you want with it (within the law). However, if they have paid for your services, materials, time, the site hosting, etc, etc, etc. then they do own those parts...now if you have 'donated' these things they may also have a leg to stand on legally.

No, I'm not in law I'm in the computer industry so therefore I do keep up with some of the legal intelectual property mumbo jumbo to protect myself and know my own rights. I've been doing computer programming and application development for many years and have a library of ALL the code and applications I have ever written or developed. I'm NOT reselling this, it is a personal reference library so next time I have to do someting similar I have a starting point which shortens the development time and everyone benefits. Yes, legally the company who paid me to do the work owns the work that has been done however you show me a computer person who does not do the same thing!

Bottom line here is that you may have to rearrange things and change the 'look & feel' of the site a bit but in this case from what you have told us it is your's.

Originally posted by TomoHawk

I would like some (opinions) on an issue I'm having with a web site I developed:


I developed this site for my hobby club about a year ago, and I was recently 'notified' that I am supposed to destroy the work

Who 'notified' you about this?

Don't destroy your work... that is absurd. The internet is a place for free-expression. If your service provider will not host your information, go somewhere else. Always keep a copy of the site on your local computer just in case.

If I were you, just keep developing it. Obviously someone is jealous of your talent. Keep going, it looks good.

This is my opinion.

-- Mike


I did all the work myself and the provider is angelfire(dot) com so it is a free service.

I redisigned a page or two today, so, IMO, it the site no longer represents the club, just model boating info, like I said in my original post. It will include the events calendars from local organizations, as they are released. I will conclude that the events calendars are NOT the property of the clubs, since the information is posted to the Internet and events are open to (the public). I assume people will claim these things are private to the club, and are NOT to be posted to the Internet. I should include source URLs of info to CYA myself. Greedy, vain people, huh?

Sorry about the lawyer comment... was being sarcastic

Originally posted by TomoHawk

Sorry about the lawyer comment... was being sarcastic

Nothing to be sorry about. I understand your frustration.

Don't let anyone take control of your work, or force you out of posting your work on the internet.

Originally posted by TomoHawk

In that order. If you don't assert yourself in a massive way in this country, you stepped on all over. It's even worse for people that are disabled, like I am. Apparently, I need to be "told" everything that I need to do, how to do it, and when. Then somebody else steps in to do it for me??

Wait a minute. Since when are Z car nuts disabled? :devious: ROFL

In all honesty, situations like yours makes me angry. Power mongors (sp?) repulse me and I hope and pray that you'll come out on top of this BS.

I just hate when people who 'are in charge' give you that "look" and tell you to do something because it's right or for the better, usually just because they want to exercise whatever little power they have on (subordinates) to do what they think is right. It's weven worse when a bunch of people gang together.

Most of the time these people are overstepping their priviledges.

Thanks for the support.


I don't really consider myself a Z-car"nut". I'm just nuts ;)LOL

These guys have only as much power as you give them, if you are not using their intellectual(I do use that term loosely) property, then they're trying to control your freedom. They have the right to grumble, b_tch, and moan, and you have the right to ignore them and post a website on any subject you like.

For their site to be "official", there must have been a motion for a vote at a scheduled meeting At the meeting the members of the club voted, and the motion was carried. With out that, you have some guys tring to intimidate you into backing down. If they were so certian their site was better, they would not be trying to get you to back down. They would let a lack of traffic frustrate you into giving up. I don't see how the two site would be confusing if the info is the same and the web addresses are completely different.

If they manage to justify booting you out of the club, post the complete particulars on your site, Metatag the crap out of it, and form your own club, make it what you want it to be, not what theirs is-I am sure theirs is not perfect. Build it and they will come... How many Z forums are there? How many Members does this one have? If they all offerred the same thing(and bandwidth was not an issue), there would be only one! Cleveland is a big town, I am sure it would support more than one club. Splash them with your wake and let them see your taillights!

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